Thursday, April 3, 2008

On Pins and Needles for MyInternetBusiness

So, My Internet Business is finally least for some. The launch seems to be done in phases...some people are up and running, while others are still waiting their turn.

As it happens, I am one of those still waiting. Like everyone else, I am incredibly excited. I just finished filming a video that I am going to put on Youtube...once I have my website and all. This is the much-awaited 'knights in armor' sales that I am hoping Darren Gaudry himself will take note of! Needless to say, I am looking forward to launching this video VERY much.

In the meantime, Passport to Wealth is still going strong, and with the tools we'll have access to with My Internet Business , we will be able to build MULTIPLE streams of income from our different businesses!


Passport to Wealth Mentors Team

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